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Testosterone Propionate 100mg/ 2ml
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Testosterone Propionate 100mg/ 2ml

Testosterone propionate is similar to enanthatecypionate, and sustanon. However, compared to enanthate or cypionate, propionate is a much shorter ester and will release more quickly into the bloodstream. As a result of its short action, more frequent (daily) injections are required to prevent steroid blood levels from tapering down and becoming ineffective. An injection schedule of every third day is about the longest you would want to perform using propionate to achieve good results. For best results - daily injections are more suitable given the nature of this agent. Peak propionate levels take place after 24-36 hours and taper down from there. As a result of the frequency of injections required of propionate, it is not a very attractive steroid for those who are doing their first cycle or those who do not like intra-muscular injections to begin with. For a first cycle, a longer acting, single ester testosterone such as enanthate or cypionate or preferred because in both cases few injections can be made while maintaining stable blood levels and thereby optimizing results. Respectively, enanthate should be injected twice weekly and cypionate once weekly. Since both yield similar results, the first time user would more likely enjoy either of those two compounds over propionate. The benefits of propionate may not be worth the additional energy required for the injections. Propionate is also a relatively painful steroid to inject with uses complaining that the same spots become aggravated with additional injections which require injecting in several different places for prevention of this pain. The injection site may become irritated and users have complained of long lasting pain caused by the injections. For these reasons, propionate is not such a good idea for the first time steroid user, however, enanthate and cypionate are not without their share of complications and all factors should be assessed before beginning with any steroid cycle. If propionate is the steroid of choice, ancillary drugs such as nolvadex, proviron and arimidex are advised to have on hand during the cycle in case symptoms of gyno arise (or if you wish, you can run these drugs during the cycle for prevention). All testosterones will aromatize, although some have a lesser chance of it. Propionate may be one of those drugs, but proper precautions should be taken, nevertheless. 

Testosterone propionate has a short active life of 2-3 days. It has a short half life and is active in the system only a day after injection. Propionate is one of the componenets of the four testosterone ester blend sustanon, and, along with phenylpropionate, is the reason why more frequent injections are required with sustanon (to take full advantage of all esters in the blend). Propionate has the same benefits of every other testosterone along with the advantage of being fast acting. Another advantage of propionate when compared to other steroids is that the level of water retention and water based gains on cycle are lower when compared to counterparts such as testosterone enanthate or testosterone cypionate. The benefits of testosterone, such as improved muscle pumps can be seen very soon after propionate is administered due to its short half life and related length of activation. 

Propionate does have a high rate of aromatization, similar to any other testosterone, and as a result, ancillary drugs such as nolvadex or its weaker counterpart clomid should be kept on hand during a cycle where propionate is included to stop gyno from occurring. 


Testosterone Propionate general information

As discussed above, propionate should be injected daily for maximum effect since it is a very fast acting ester. Every other day injections are also acceptable, but an injection frequency of every third day is likely the longest schedule you will want to put yourself on when using propionate. Injections any less frequently than that and you will risk not using the full benefit of the steroid and this will ultimately result in smaller increases in muscle mass and strength. If you do not find such a frequent injection schedule to be an attractive one, you should consider a longer acting single ester testosterone such as enanthate or cypionate. Also, as mentioned, propionate may not be a good choice for a first cycle, since first time users generally find that injections at this frequency are not very attractive. 

Side effects such as acne, water retention, high blood pressure, aromatization, DHT conversion and decrease of normal HPTA function are possible with the use of propionate. Since propionate aromatizes, having ancillary drugs such as nolvadex or clomid on hand during cycle is a smart idea for preventative measures. As a general rule of thumb, you should always have ancillary drugs on hand before starting any cycle. 

Since propionate is a short acting steroid, most users will want to use 50-100 mg every day to every other day. As mentioned earlier, on injection schedules less frequent than that, risks of not optimizing the steroid are possible. Since spot injections can become sore and irritated, rotating injection sites is advised to prevent pain or discomfort. While using propionate to bulk up, stacking it with a base compound such as deca-durabolin or equipoisedianabol or anadrol for the first 4-6 weeks can help to jump start mass and strength gains. 

As the best mass builder available, testosterone stacks well virtually everything and can also be used alone with high levels of success. Due to the longer half life of testosterone enanthate, a dose of 500mg per week can be used for the first time user for a period of 10 weeks with very good results. Stacking oral steroids on a first cycle is generally considered uneccessary, because it is impossible to gauge your body's responsiveness to the individual steroids being used and determine which ones cause which side effects. For the more advanced athlete, doses of 500-1000mg of enanthate are also excellent for creating clear results within a 10 week period. More advanced athletes will often stack testosterone with dianaboldeca-durabolinprimobolan or equipose to create a powerful mass building stack. 

All testosterones aromatize, and propionate is no exception. Having a supply of ancillary drugs such as anti-estrogens is recommended when cycling with propionate. The steroid user should be familiar with anti-estrogen compounds such as nolvadex and clomid and keep them on hand during cycle in case symptoms of gyno arise. Increases in water weight and fat weight should be expected, and the possibilities of gyno are always out there when using enanthate. 

If using propionate to cut (or lean out), a user will want to use proviron with the testosterone propionate for the length of the cycle. As a result of the proviron use, anti-estrogen drugs will not likely be required. 


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